Joyful Childlike Qualities


Joyful Childlike Qualities

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Tuesdays Trickles – My thinking corner.

I’ve always felt that my brother Stephen having Autism is a many layered Blessing revealing itself in more amazing ways as time goes on. Despite the fact that he is 55 his mind is about at the level of a eight or nine year old. Stephen may not be sophisticated but he is kind, loving, gentle, sweet, considerate and caring.

I suppose because his mind is mostly in the present and he does not have the capacity to worry about the past or the future Stephen remains “In the Moment.”  This gives him the ability to partake of spontaneous fun & games as you can see in the below photos. Stephen balances me. I being the worrywart immediately think of various fun, exciting and adventurous activities that we can do together.  Imagination and not being afraid to possibly make a total fool of yourself gives you a Freedom to explore new worlds. You can be a Super Hero or any character real or imagined!!

Stephen Vincent Palmer ~~ My Sibling Who Brings out the Wackiness & Quirkiness in Our Worlds

Stephen, me and the Marvel Universe characters helped Save the World in 2014!!

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Stephen the Transformer



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  1. Pingback: Tuesdays Trickles – My Thinking Corner 31 | a cooking pot and twistedtales

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