Defiant DeBorah

Share Your World – 2016 Week 39

Share Your World – 2016 Week 39

041514 sywbanner

A class you wish you would have taken?

Photography. And more Art classes. However I did get to take a Cinematography class in High School which was lots of fun!

What’s your favorite comic figure and why?

When I was a kid I Loved Charlie Brown because I could relate to him. Both of us had constant bad luck, were total screw-ups and Beagles for pets.

Name something you wish you could like.

Math. I really loathe and despise math. Never made any sense to me. Numbers are confusing and I was always getting failing grades in school. Algebra and geometry make my head spin!!

Tell me about your first crush / first date / first kiss.

I thought I was in Love with Paul McCartney of the Beatles. Later on Freddie Prinze from Chico and the Man.

Boy named Phillip. He was a sloppy kisser. Yuck! Glad that he was older than me so went off to college and I never saw him again.

Who was your best friend when you were 10?

Can’t remember back that far. Maybe it was Dora Wilson who eventually had to get a shot-gun wedding. Last I heard she was in Alaska. Or it could have been Jackie who was a foster child. Sadly she wound up in an insane asylum.

What sign are you?


Do you believe in astrology?

To a Degree.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

Vacation. Had a chance to rest, relax and do all the things I can’t do when I’m working. Today is the last day of my vacation. Back to work tomorrow. Ugh! With my job I only look forward to the weekends when I’m NOT at the workplace.





The Rising Sun

The Great Pretender


Pretend you’re well when you’re sick.

Pretend you’re happy when sad.

Pretend that all is well with the world in order to make others happy.

I’m the Clown behind the mask.

Only then will the world smile upon me.

All the World Loves a Liar. One who ignores their true feelings.

Nobody wants the truth. Lies are all that matters.

Facade becomes Truth

The Lies of Positive Thinking. Until the day those Lies catch fire.

Then your Life will burn to the ground.

I’m in the Make Believe Ballroom.


The Platters – The Great Pretender – HD (1955)




Celebrate Sylvester!!




11 Magnificent Moggie Years and Counting!! Tuxedo Love!!


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Island of the Damned -- Bocklin

Dreams Fallen Down in a Well


Dreams Fallen Down in a Well

Completed the Veteran’s Administration Online form to apply for health care. Hopefully they should get back to me in about two weeks. Once the VA gets back to me then I’ll set up an appointment not just for medical care but to avail myself of any other services and programs they VA has for Women Veterans.  I served my country now it is time for my country to lend me a helping hand.

In the Meantime I’m……..

Dreaming Down a Well

I’m Dreaming Down a Well. Looking into the Abyss wondering how to fetch my dreams and save them from imminent disaster.  I can see them. Arms stretched out waiting for me to throw Life Preservers. Life Jackets. A Net. Anything they can grab onto for salvation from a watery grave.

A Bucket. Damaged. A Rope. Now Long Since Frayed.  Worn from constant use.

Send in the Buffalo Soldiers! Call forth the Avenging Angels of Mercy!

No Regrets?  Yes I regret. A Youth Long Gone.  Relegated to Ancient Myst’s.

Double V for Victory. Victory at Overseas. Victory at Home.

Star-seed buried in the sand awaits fertile ground. Resurrection. Regeneration. New Birth.

Nailiah nuzzled the earth like a hungry lamb or goat bleating out hunger cries in search for a Merciful Mother.  Searching out the Allegorical Lessons of the Cave.

I bid the powers of the Luxurious Fox for release and redemption. Banished from Exile.

Out of Sync.

Re-Calibrating. Re~calibrating.

Scraping my scabby putrefying boils with pottery shards. Rocking the earth with wailing prayers. When I shed my old skin will that be my freedom?

How Long O’ Lord?   How Long?

Harry Belafonte and Odetta – There’s A Hole in The Bucket


Bob Marley – Buffalo soldier


Plato – The Allegory of the Cave – (The Matrix) Animated