Emotional Landscapes

Then we were in the great Outdoors singing improvised Coastal Sea Shanties.

An Elfin Fairy Moongazer.

Ignore it. Ignore the internal Primate Music. Chatterbox Chatter.

Reinvigorate the Tarantula Nebula.

Seven Seas of newly formed planets were found orbiting a sapphire seven pointed Starfish.

Speckled specks and fragments fell off her gown as she wandered aimlessly through the conservatory.

Speaker? Trope?

Shall we sterilize our Wonder Jelly? If Not will I become a Sunset Dragon? Will I be removed to the Island of Tabloidias?

EchoSigh… EchoSigh….

The mark of a Free Spirit Mystic.

Firstborn Firebug Simrit, telepathed, First eat of the Cosmic Comet Seeds. Then all will be well.

What shall it be with DJ Electroplasm?

That will be given over to Opulence and her twin Ostentatious.

Opulence who reeks of diamonds, gold, silver, rubies and every manner of gemstones plus Precious Jewels. Blinded by excessive reflective Shine. Glossed over with scintillating flecks of glassy broken meteors.

Ostentatious was covered by crashing cymbals, tooting horns, clanging bells and shrill whistles. She was a succulent covered in shiny brassy burgundy scabs.

Sandy beaches baked naked from two minor suns.

A New Day Dawns

Once I confessed they Big Blue Rock threw me off the Blue Crag Priory.

Such a wailing of processional mourners. Cosmic Psychodynamic Bootcamp.

Can you spot the boats? They sail for you.

Tasseled Sails Intertwined Glitter Pendant Swirls

Purple, Pink and Orange in Triplicate.

Unicorns. Dragons. Fairies and Elves.

Pivotal July

I spent most of July as a patient at Brooklyn Methodist Hospital. It was discovered that I have an autoimmune disease called acute ulcerative colitis. Meaning my body attacks my digestive system.

Starting from June I lost over 30 lbs in weight.

July 4th I blacked out, fell and broke my nose. The disease had begun it’s horrible course.

Once admitted to the Brooklyn Methodist Hospital I was given fluids, antibiotics and steroids.

I had to have a blood transfusion as I came close to dying.

It’s been pure physical upheaval laced with miracles.

My ability to Walk has been seriously compromised. I can Walk slowly with a cane. The Visiting Nurse Service comes to my house for rehab.

Nor do I enjoy wearing Adult Diapers but I must.

My physical therapy began in the hospital.

Life can change in a moment. Suddenly I have been thrust into a world of disability, disease and sickness with no road map. It’s scary, frightening and frustrating especially having to be dependent. At first I cried constantly but No more pity parties for me. I’m fighting this battle.

I don’t like asking for help but if anyone wishes to donate to my recovery you can donate via PayPal account deborah.palmer280@gmail.com.

Also Thanks for your prayers as I make my way along this long Strange journey.

Brooding Her Eggs

Brooding Her Eggs


There was the traditional way. We could always Fall back on courtship and tradition.

But the Nesting Pods of the Season House were more efficient for the future preservation of the species. Eggs and sperm were combined within each suspended animation pod could be grouped together for warmth and transmutation of ideas, thoughts and concepts.

Genetics from the best of sea species mainly dolphins and porpoises are incorporated adding extra intelligence heretofore unavailable to humans.

Careful sequencing ensured success. Elocution was just one benefit. Mixed in with the Wisdom of the Trees.

The embryos as they developed all pointed Starfish Moonward. Such well developed podling seedlings.

The lambent flickering lullaby our embryos through peaceful Dimensions.”


The Goddess Mellifluous

Whale hum. Celestial hum. Elegant elongated fingers Rhythmically massaged each podling seedlings papoose case. Cradling. Cradling. In Our Arms.

All inhabitants have memories. Generational Memory.

Ancient memories that carry on via flora and fauna. Birds, Trees, animals. Rocks, oceans, sea and stone. For energy never dies. The Forest and whale songs are one. Enter into the Glorious Myst. Buddlings All.

Trees spun Gold. Trees Trekking Bronze, Silver, Gold Threads of Grace.

Daily the Women would gather together, hold hands spreading knowledge, Wisdom and understanding to each suckling. A universal hum could be heard over each Collective from Midnight to Dawn imbuing the children with Light, Grace, peace and Blessings. Once ready the young could follow on Hatching Day.

The last Transformation much of it ill conceived man made necessitated an internal deep sea cleanse to Planet Peapod. Gestational Earth Sea Sky. Seeded by meteors from distant galaxies.

Life filters from the Celestial to the Terrestrial and back again. An endless cycle of Restoration.

Goddess, Moon, Sun and Star Sisters recreated Pangaea Peapod to rise from the Ocean Depths.

Gentle Mother Mellifluous

heavily pregnant with beings arose to face the storm full force. Raising her arms spreading her legs wide birthing seedlings as the winds lashed whilst the waves crashed. Each podling descending into warm sea Sanctuary.

Clack. Clack. Went the Bones!

Clack. Clack. Went the Bones of Destiny!

Adagio Syzygy

Adagio Syzygy

Snippets of Stories Lead to Treacherous Tales

Splinter Stories from the Hardware Store

Cassiopeia, Delphinus, and Monoceros squared off circling each other, leaning in ready for attack yet bouncing off each other’s zones in the manner of opposing magnetic forces.

They continued to circle each other in an unholy alliance glued to one another through a parasitic orbit. Until Jhamer Von Tick-Tock crushed their magnetic bond like a free wheeling asteroid. Von Tick-Tock took pride in accomplishing his first full fledged Quantum Leap excepting the fact that he had no idea where he had leapt to nor the identities of the strange beings lying deathly still before him.

Jhamer Von Tick-Tock had them laid out on the ground like a visiting evangelist under the Summer Revival Tent. One could never in his/her wildest imaginations that Von Tick-Tock who had the mousey appearance of Hickory Dickory Dock possessed such startling and stunning powers. In a burst of energy Von Tick-Tock ripped apart their interplanetary High Noon Showdown.

Wondering if he had propelled the prone populace before him Von Tick-Tock gave them each a nudge with the toe of his well shod foot which only elicited a few twitches and grimaces. They all appeared to be stuck in stasis a not too far distance from rigor mortis. Planted inside furrows in the dirt. Future victims of the Super Blood Moon.

Bad Moon Rising

Bad Moon Rising – Creedence Clearwater Revival


Mid-Nudge Kick among the deactivated beings Von Tick-Tock, Ever the Dandy could not help but admire his sartorial splendor reflected back to him in the crystalline silicates surfaces scattered across the florid field. Looking sporty if I must say so myself.

Some called him Princess Fedora, Queen of Shapeshifters. Along with Wearer of Snazzy Skypieces. Often magical Mystical changes of hair color occured on a Whim.

Shoes in order. Jacket in Order. But Von Tick-Tock became miffed at the state of his Bunn Hat that was seriously disordered by this dimension journey.

Crushed Bunn Hat

Transport across the Thin Place encapsulated at the House on Ruxton Road often was not thin enough Challenging ones ability to escape damage. But that was the place. Sometimes the only place to Leap as 924 Belmont Avenue was wonky and often unreliable.

Moans, groans and sounds of retching interrupted Von Tick-Tock’s reverie. Once supine the humanoids began to arise at which point the dizziness catching heads and stomachs spun in a centrifuge as they tried to sit upright. Blue-green iridescent sparkly vomit irrigated the surrounding meadows. After several moments of glitter spew one of the Anthromorphic shapes made eye contact opening its mouth emitting garbled garbage of what I took to be their mother tongue. As more of them became semi-lucid even more jabberwocky issued forth from their tongue tied lips.

Back Through the Cosmic Vortex

But Why Quibble over details?

The Uneasy Culprits

Cassiopeia, Delphinus & Monoceros

Watch “MercyMe – I Can Only Imagine (Official Music Video)” on YouTube

There’s a homeless man who sits outside Broadway Junction with his dog. When I saw this Memorial I thought both man and dog had died but today I saw the gentleman and stopped to give my condolences. Also pats on his shoulder. Human touch means.

As he explained to me while crying that dog was his family. All his immediate family members are dead. He has nobody. My heart went out to him because I’ve been seeing him every day since 2012.

The dog’s name was Bones. Bones was his constant faithful companion. Bones was eleven when he passed away.

Though only 55 the death of his beloved Bones has aged him twenty years. The shelter system in New York City does not allow pets in the shelters. For many homeless people all they have are their pets.

I did my best to give comfort and Yes I did give him a dollar. But even more important I gave a listening ear. Though we pass by the homeless treating them like so much flotsam and jetsam. They too were somebody’s child. And in the Eyes of God the Lord sees them as Human beings.

No judgment. Just Acceptance.

Please read Luke 16:19-31 New International Version (NIV)