Fashionista Forward!!

Curlfest Prospect Park Brooklyn 2016

Ladies and Gents this is just the appetizer!!

More Sartorial Splendor to come!!


Great minds think alike. When I was younger I was a real Fashionista as the saying goes. Of course when I was a little girl my Dad would take me shopping in Macy’s and basically he picked out all my clothes. Fortunately Daddy had good taste. I also picked up my sense of style from my mother and my paternal aunts. I idealized my late great Aunt Thelma a great deal. She would take me shopping to Syms and other downtown lower Manhattan stores back in the 70s. Aunt Thelma was a Fashion forward Lady. There was a running joke in our house that I had to get dressed up to take the garbage out!! LOL!!

Then in my 20s obviously I was picking out my own clothes and my favorite color was Black. In fact nearly everything in my wardrobe was Black and I had what looked like a million pairs of shoes!! My Dad asked me if I was practicing to be a Ninja and felt I was a follower of Imelda Marcos who was famous for all her pairs of shoes.

I also tended to be Matchy-matchy in my 20s & 30s perhaps a little into my 40s I suppose because at that time I was a manager at a Non-profit and I wanted to look professional. I did spice things up when I went out with my friends. Now as I make my way through my 50s getting dangerously close to 60 I’m all for the bright colors, patterns, loose fitting (my tummy is no longer flat), African, American-Indian jewelry, Clothing made in India. The clothing cannot be too loose or too big as I’m petite and I believe a Woman should wear her clothing. The clothes should not be wearing her. I’ve seen the now grown up Full House twins at museum special events and they are really small petite ladies and they looked like they were being swallowed up in their outfits.

I’m no longer afraid to mix what most people would call opposing patterns for an eclectic look. I’ve received many compliments from co-workers and friends on my outfits. Spring, summer and fall are my favorite seasons because I can really cut loose with outfits and I’m Thankful to the WWW/Web because I can get so many new and interesting ideas for what looks best on me.

I’m even doing a little more experimenting with make-up. I was never really big on make-up even when I was young, but adding a little color to my face to avoid looking washed out.  And of course there is the Manic Panic Red Hair!! Yes Always the RED HAIR!

 ♡ ☆ Fabulous Fifties

As you can see Purple is one of my favorite colors! ♡ ☆ 

 In these two photos taken at a friends birthday party I’m rocking the Royal Purple! ♡ ☆ 

I kinda look like on of those Bratz dolls. You know. A great big head and a little bitty body!!


Cannot forget or leave out my brother Stephen Palmer who is the most Amazing Awesome Autism Guy on the planet!!

Here you can see Stylin’ and Profiling!!  A mixture of Frank Sinatra, John Shaft, and Joe Cool!!  My brother Stephen is the Birth of the Cool!!

2 thoughts on “Fashionista Forward!!

    1. Thanks!! Stephen enjoys looking good! As for me this uplifting fashion project with Madelyn Griffith-Haynie is really helping me direct my focus and lift my spirits. It’s the motivation I need to keep Life moving forward.

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