Memories From The Heart



Memories From The Heart


Poetry Inspired by My Blogging Buddy Geetha.  Please Check out her most excellent blog for more poetry gems and jewels.


The unknown facets


Fleeting memories as the sewing box plays, “Let Me Call You Sweetheart.” Little I was and Little did I know that she would return to her beloved sweetheart husband in a future that played out too soon.



Opening my Grandma Eva’s Musical sewing box and seeing her all over and again. Returning to her apartment in Harlem. An apt that was huge to the 5 year old me. Hearing Grandma give a lighthearted scolding to her son, my Dad. Memories of a Great Day in Harlem with Grandma.



Each Memory is like a reflection captured within a diamond.  Precious. One glance returning you to a pleasant past event repeatedly Looped in Luxury.






My Thoughts on This Memorial Day


Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13


My Thoughts on this Memorial Day


Today we Americans Honor and Remember Those Who died in Battle.

Though my ancestors did not die in battle I still Honor their sacrifice.

First My Great, Great Grandfather who being a Free man remembered his sisters and brothers in slavery chains and joined the battle for Freedom.

William Henry Halstead

In December of 1863 my Great Great Grandfather, William Henry Halstead, who lived in Tarrytown, New York, traveled to New Haven, Connecticut to join the 29th Connecticut Colored Infantry.  On his Volunteer Enlistment papers it notes his occupation as a farmer.  He enlisted for three years and was discharged on the 24th day of October 1865.  He married and had five children.  William Henry Halstead passed away in 1888 and was buried in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Tarrytown, New York.  His wife moved to New York City with her five children.  Her children grew up in Harlem and belonged to various organizations such as Odd Fellows, Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic and the Daughters of New York.


Edward Gordon Palmer

My Father Edward Gordon Palmer who served in Air Force during the Korean War.  Daddy dropped out of City College in New York to enlist in the Air Force. Fortunately My Dad was stationed state side and did not have to go to Korea but I’m still glad he Loved this country enough to volunteer.

Of course I’m also glad that after he ETS’d he went to work at Wright Patterson Air-force Base in Dayton, Ohio, was introduced to and married  my Mom Mable Palmer which resulted in myself and Stephen.  Obviously I mention my Dad because I Love him and still impressed that despite the fact Black Americans did not have Civil Rights as in every war since the American Revolution Black Americans have always stood up and defended our country always hoping and praying for the Double V.  Victory Overseas and Victory at Home.

As most of you already know I too served in the U.S. Army because despite the fact that America does not believe in Black people I still believe in her and what she could and should be for All Americans.

One day the hopes, dreams and prayers of my ancestors will be fulfilled and we will have that Victory at Home.


Edward G. Palmer Korean War



America My Country!  Sweet Land of Liberty!  Let Freedom Ring!




Share Your World – March 12, 2018

Share Your World – March 12, 2018

Image from Cee Neuner

If a distant uncle dies and you were always his favorite and leaves you $50,000 (any currency) in his will, what would you do?


Immediately put in for Retirement then Stephen and I would take a nice vacation to the Caribbean.  I would donate $2,000 each to both Stephen’s Group Home Residence ~~ QCP and his Day Treatment Center ~~ AABR. I would move forward with establishing AweSome AweTism Adventures featuring Stephen in videos all around New York City and maybe upstate New York.

I would definitely make a $2,000 donation to the Shinnyo-en Buddhist Temple. I’d also be able to volunteer more and just spend more time in a peaceful environment because I’d be a Retired Lady of Leisure!

Find a better place to live because my housing situation is up in the air. No more back to back Double Shifts to survive. Just think I would not have to worry about paying my rent!

Buy a better laptop computer because this one will probably die soon just like what happened to me last year!

Have my own art show. Featuring my photography and Mixed Media Photo Collages. I’m building up lots of canvases but of course no money to rent a place for an art show.  If money was no object I would rent out a really nice gallery, cater in great food and even have some live Jazz music.  Imagine if I had the money my pipe dreams would come true.

I’d also have a Special Photography Art Show for my Dad Edward G. Palmer.  He never got his due when he was alive and I’d do it as a Tribute to a Great Dad and a Great Man. My Dad was a gifted and talented man. I’d find a reliable person to convert those old Kodak Koda Chrome slides from the 1950s to the 1980s to Digital.

I would start doing more self care things for myself like massages, doctor visits, trips to Hawaii, Georgia, Florida & California, spending time at Spas, getting my hair and nails done. Being able to afford to take care of myself would be a Miracle. Now I cancel Doctor’s Appointments because I can’t afford the co-pay. I ignore pains and other health issues. Rest and Relaxation. Mainly All the things that I cannot afford to do now.



What sound or sounds do you love?

Sounds of nature.  The sound of the tinkling bell at the Shinnyo-en Buddhist Temple.  When that is gently rung that signals Chanting.  Mostly the Sound of Silence. I’m mostly a Loner and a Solitary.  Anytime I must socialize I have panic attacks before the event.


The Sound of Silence (Original Version from 1964)



What’s your middle name?  Why?

Ann.  Because that’s what my Mother decided. Pretty much All my Baby Boomer female cousins on my Mom’s side have the middle name Ann.

What did you appreciate or what made you smile this past week?  Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination. 


The Union Art Show








Let Me Call You Sweetheart

Let Me Call You Sweetheart



As the Month of February aka The Love Month comes to an end I Honor the Sweethearts in my Life. My Grandparents William and Eva Palmer who were married for around 50 years and my parents Edward & Mable Palmer who were married for 40 years.

Dearest Sweethearts

Tell Me What Heaven is like

Come to Me in My Dreams and tell me of Paradise!

Are Aunt Helen Garcia and Aunt Thelma still as talkative as they were on earth?

It must be great that you get to see Aunt Helen James, Aunt Gladys, Uncle Clarence, Uncle Willie, Cousin Linda, Cousin Bertie, Grandma Hattie Finney. Tell them how much I miss them. Tell them my world has not been the same since they ascended to God.

Are the streets really paved with gold?

Are there 12 Gates to the City?

And What of Jesus and the Angels?

Oh How I long to be reunited with you once more!

No more pain. No more sorrow. No more hurt. To Leave the cares of this cruel world behind!

I know that I’m just passing through onto a better, richer more rewarding Life.

But one day I too shall take my seat at the Welcome Table! What a Great Day that Shall be!




There is never a day that goes by that I don’t think of you!

I’ll See You in My Dreams!





Let Me Call You Sweetheart    



Boarding the Coltrane





Boarding the Coltrane

Chasing Trane is like chasing Star Dust

He’s so far ahead that we mere mortals can only gaze in wonder knowing that we can never catch up but always aspire to those levels

Coltrane is a Rainbow in Flight

Every T. Monk.  Every Prophet and Messiah battle inner demons

Charlie Parker


Worship the Music inside the person

Today I am 59

And I am Swept into a Vortex of Possibilities

#1 First and Foremost I want to Thank My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for allowing me to see another year!  Praise God!  I owe any success in my life to the Lord!


Image result for happy birthday to me





1959 ~~  A Very Good Year ~~ Year of my Birth

I was birthed through A Love Supreme ~~  Edward and Mable Palmer

I am my Parents Dream Born Fruit


Mom & Dad









1959 ~~  Year of My Birth.  Year of Transition  My Journey from Be-Bop to Hip-Hop


1959 The Year that Changed Jazz




A Great Day in Harlem ~~  1958