Share Your World – 2016 Week 40

Share Your World – 2016 Week 40

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Why did you start blogging?

To gain exposure for my writing and photography as well as to engage with those of similar interests. Also to inspire, uplift and encourage people worldwide.

A piece of clothing you still remember?

An Asian dress that fitted me like a glove. It looked like I was poured into the dress. Was like having a second skin. Also helped that at that time I was in my 20s so I looked a whole lot better than I do now! Something similar to the one shown below.


Periwing Navy Blue Satin Frog Button Dragon and Phoenix Mini Chinese Dress Qipao
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Periwing Navy Blue Satin Frog Button Dragon and Phoenix Mini Chinese Dress Qipao

Who are you trying to reach with your blog?

Folks with an interest in writing especially poetry plus short stories, commentary and photography. My Photography Blog is Roaming Urban Gypsy.

Those who like to engage in enlightened intellectual discussion and people with a sense of humor.

Is there a stuffed animal in your bedroom?

SpongeBob Squarepants. Oh wait! He is not animal or is he?  Not sure whether a sponge is considered an animal or not?!  As for the rest of my stuffed animals they are downstairs boxed up because if I put all of them on my bed my cat Sylvester and I wouldn’t have any room to sleep! LOL!

The best birthday present ever?

The Gift of another Year of Life.

What would surprise me about you?

“Though she be but little, she is fierce!”

William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

The Following Magnificent Email Message from my brother Stephen who is an Amazing Awesome Autism Guy!!

Hi sister how are you doing today . I had a good day at program today , I draw and colored with my peers, I also helped with the paper work in the class room . After i went to lunch, it was good i really enjoyed lunch time with my friends. I wanted to know if you still have the drawing of the picture i made.


As Always I’m Grateful to Cee Neuner for Her Wonderful Photography Challenges!  I too have some old paternal family photos some dating back to right after the Civil War.  I will share those in my next post.  When I was living in Rochdale Village, Jamaica, Queens I had a combination printer/copier/Scanner so I scanned as many of my family photos as possible.









16 thoughts on “Share Your World – 2016 Week 40

    1. Describes me perfectly. Sometimes when you are a petite woman people both men and women often think that they can take advantage of you. In my personal dealings those who thought that they were gonna hurt me or tried got the the surprise of their lives when I stood up for myself. My Mom Mable Palmer was even smaller than me. Only 4’11” but she was really Fierce. Nobody messed with her or her children! I come from a long line of Fierce Women. Many have learned it is a bad idea to make me angry. I can be extremely nasty if I must.

  1. LOL – I love me some SpongeBob! Sometimes I call him SpongeFace SquareButt, because my sense of humor is just wrong at times!

    I have a dress exactly like that…except that it’s red and long, with thigh-high slits on the sides!

    You go, cuz – stay fierce…always! Love that quote, even though I’m a tall string-bean – the women in my family are all tall, but my dad is only 5’7″ – I get my bone structure from him, and my height from my mom! Funny how genes work, sometimes…

    1. Wow!! Sounds great! I always wanted to be taller. I’m only 5’1″. I Like Louis Jordan’s description of Petite Women best! I will model the dress when I get it. Please send me a photo of you wearing your dress! Tall, Tan & Terrific!!

      Reet, Petite, and Gone (1947)

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