Many Waters Cannot Drown Love

Neither can Floods Drown it**

Together for 40 Years. Where he went so did She

The Dance of Love


Together in Life and into Eternity. As cancer ravaged his body every day he asked for his Beloved. She was first in his mind in the morning and last thought at Night before sleep. Only until Daddy was reassured that the Love of his life would be cared for did he take his final Earthly breath. Then not able to bear her suffering from cancer he begged Jesus to be allowed to escort her home.

On August 1998 Jesus said Yes. Descending into the hospital room Edward said Mable come with me. Taking his hand they ascended towards Home. Passing through the Gates of Heaven at once 25 again. Young, Healthy and in Love.

**Quote from the film Titanic


Thanks for reading. No Daddy issue here. Our Dad was everything to us.

Dance With My Father Again by Luther Vandross

I’m committed to changing the negative narrative and stereotypes of Black Men and Black Fathers.

Don’t drink the Koolaid and Don’t believe the hype about Black men pushed by the media. STOP Watching Love and hip hop plus those Stupid Wives TV Shows! Not real life! All Lies! Fake!

For all the Men Who step in when a child’s Father has died. Salute!

Color him Father. Color him Love by the Winstons.

Female Flapper Flaneur of the Harlem Renaissance

In my dreams I am a Lady Flâneur with camera.  My name Sophronia The Famous Female Flapper Flâneur of the Harlem Renaissance. Little known lost Twin Flame and alter ego of my Grandmother  EVA SOPHRONIA GORDON PALMER.

Take my picture in Flapper Finery and transport me back to the Roaring Twenties.

I would be in the Salon of the day hobnobbing with Zora Neale Hurston, Langston Hughes, Jacob Lawrence, Romare Bearden, Augusta Savage, Elizabeth Catlett, and Dorothy West. My photograph would be taken by the famous Black photographer James Van Der Zee. 

Every week would be infamously dyed a different shade of Red. Cherry Crush, Vampire Red, Rose Red, Flaming Electric Lava Red, Passion Red all to match my Fiery personality.  A Great Beauty like my Aunt Thelma Palmer Varner.

Aunt Thelma circa 1940s or 50s
Thelma Rosalie Palmer Varner


I’d Charleston and Lindy Hop across 125th Street. Why Yes I’d be a Name. I’d be a Personality.  Pizzazz in a Petite Package.  Bohemian. Footloose and Fancy Free. Carefree with no worries.  



I’d be a Jazz Baby with the likes of Duke Ellington. Singers such as Bessie Smith and Billie Holiday,  Jelly Roll Morton, Fats Waller and Louis Armstrong.

Holding court in Mt. Morris Park armed with my Eastman Kodak Brownie there to see and be seen capturing every day Harlemites and Glorious Black Culture.  Moving easily and seamless between the 20th and 21st Centuries as the First Time Traveling Female Flâneur.  Racing forward in time for a day at Rockaway Playland with a same day trip to Coney Island. No boundaries. Nothing to hold me back. I’d Fly Free as as a Winged Spirit beyond dimensions laughing through eternity.  A wiggle of the nose. A tug on the ear. Three 3 clicks of my red patent leather shoes and in milliseconds there I’d be on yet another Fabulous Adventure!!  ❤   ❤

Imagination and Day Dreams can take you places where reality does not permit you to go. Fantasy…………..Happiness…………..






Soon a Return to Caturday!

Caturday, July 1st 2017



Wanderlust: A History of Walking


A Great Book. Definitely a Five 5 Star Read.



Penguin Books

June 1, 2001

336 pages

Drawing together many histories-of anatomical evolution and city design, of treadmills and labyrinths, of walking clubs and sexual mores-Rebecca Solnit creates a fascinating portrait of the range of possibilities presented by walking.

Arguing that the history of walking includes walking for pleasure as well as for political, aesthetic, and social meaning, Solnit focuses on the walkers whose everyday and extreme acts have shaped our culture, from philosophers to poets to mountaineers.

She profiles some of the most significant walkers in history and fiction-from Wordsworth to Gary Snyder, from Jane Austen’s Elizabeth Bennet to Andre Breton’s Nadja-finding a profound relationship between walking and thinking and walking and culture. Solnit argues for the necessity of preserving the time and space in which to walk in our ever more car-dependent and accelerated world.







Harlem by Langston Hughes





What happens to a dream deferred?

      Does it dry up

      like a raisin in the sun?

      Or fester like a sore—

      And then run?

      Does it stink like rotten meat?

      Or crust and sugar over—

      like a syrupy sweet?

      Maybe it just sags

      like a heavy load.

      Or does it explode?

Langston Hughes, “Harlem” from Collected Poems. Copyright © 1994 by The Estate of Langston Hughes. Reprinted with the permission of Harold Ober Associates Incorporated.

Source: Selected Poems of Langston Hughes (Random House Inc., 1990)



Share Your World – January 23, 2017

Share Your World – January 23, 2017


fruit-vs-fruit-juiceDo you prefer juice or fruit?

A difficult choice. Juice is more convenient because you can carry a bottle of juice with you and it is not messy to eat whereas with fresh fruit you’re peeling the fruit and creating a mess. On the other hand obviously fresh fruit is better because sugar is added to most juices unless you do home juicing of fresh fruit but that too is time consuming. So I’d say juice on the job ~~ fresh fruit at home.

Did you grow up in a small or big town? Did you like it?

Big Town. The Big Apple. Yes I Love it. When I was younger and my Maternal Grandmother and Aunts were alive I used to visit them in Dayton, Ohio. Talk about boring. No I could never live in a rural or suburban community where there is nothing to do and you must drive everywhere. Despite my complaints about the New York City MTA for Non-Drivers like me our Transit system makes New York an excellent place to live.

If you were to paint a picture of your childhood, what colors would you use?

All the Colors of the Rainbow because for me childhood was pretty much carefree. Red, Blue, Green, Purple, Orange… anything bright. It is only when I got to adulthood that things became murky grays and muddiness.

Ways to Relax List: Make a list of what relaxes you and helps you feel calm.


Spending time with my brother Stephen who is an Awesome Autism Guy!! Hooray!!

Time with my cat Sylvester.


Photography in good weather.

Listening to music.

Watching videos/films/movies on Netflix and YouTube.

Going to any of New York City’s Botanic Gardens when the weather is good.

Hanging out in Central Park.

Spending time exploring the streets, places and faces of Harlem my Dad’s birthplace and where he grew up. Also one of the greatest and best Black History spots!!

Attending Cultural Events in New York.

Going to the beach even though I have not done this in years. With my work schedule virtually no time.

Visiting Museums other than the one that I work for!

Reading even though I’ve had to cut back because of problems with my eyesight.

Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 


Passed an exam and obtained a license required for my job.

As for the upcoming week perhaps I can go back to getting my B 12 shots. I had to stop because of meetings with my brother Stephen’s Group Home/Residence and his training center, then last Friday I had to take that professional exam. Since not receiving my B 12 shots I’ve noticed I’ve been more tired.  Self-care is so difficult because with my long hours at work and caring for Stephen my needs fall to the bottom of the list. Of course as you all know I Love my brother Stephen more than anything so I’m willing to sacrifice my time for his. He is more important. I always wonder about these folks who talk about Self-Care. They must not work, be retired, or are self-employed or just filthy rich!!


Picture courtesy of Cee Neuner!! ❤