My Mixed Media Photo Collage Masterpiece

Purchased an Easel Stand for my Artwork submission to the Union Art Show.

This is how I will display my Artwork. The name of this piece is Broadway Junction en Lacquer.



I’m in the process of working on another Mixed Media Photo Collage piece which I’ve named Glitter Glutch and Yes Glutch is a word.

Sneak Preview of Glitter Glutch

Not so much the Drip method with this one but rather a Swirl and Twirl Method

This artwork is still a work in progress.  Currently Unfinished



The Return of the Fiery Spirit


The Return of the Fiery Spirit

Happy New Year!!



Yes I’m back. After a much-needed break during which time I gave myself the opportunity to reflect. My blog had taken off in a wrong direction. Basically I was caught up. Lots of frustration. Too many obligations and responsibilities. Trying to juggle this concept of balance and harmony neither of which I achieved. Therefore it was time to let go.
When you fly too close to the Sun like Icarus you burn or in these modern times burn out.  A Fucked Up Life = A Fucked Up Blog.  I’m not Wonder Woman. The older I get the more I’m willing to admit defeat.  More people should pay attention to the expression Beating Your Head against a brick wall.  Well I have a bloody head.

Every so often you need to say, “Fuck it All.’ Like in Gone Girl I’m tired of being the Amazing Amy. Sometimes you must walk away from certain aspects of your life. My body does not handle stress well.  Finally around the time my laptop died I was having terrible headaches every day. Collapse. Nobody there to help me or pick me up.  As always I was and still am on my own.  My life had become a fucking circus of putting on acts of well-being.  Now I begin to tell the truth of a life filled with failures and flaws.  No perfection. No promises. No happy endings.  We deserve or think we deserve happiness, peace, joy and prosperity but life does not owe you anything. In this life you get many unexpected “gifts.”

If God/Universe gave out report cards my would be filled with F’s.  This is the truth I live with every day. Again I don’t sugarcoat anything. One can never go back. It’s like saying you’re still a Virgin after the hymen has been broken or a baby has passed through your womb. No returns.

I Am Not a Performance. I am Truth.

I don’t like to be typecast or put into a stereotype. That’s why I don’t take to so-called Life Coaches, Life Hacks, Therapists or sellers of happiness snake oils.  I don’t do Affirmations or Memes. They are totally lost on me. You don’t need to be a happy person to have Happy Times. I’ve had many Happy Times and will continue to do so. Happiness itself is situational. Just like anyway else who is brave enough to admit it I Love certain aspects of my being, my personality, my looks but their are other secret areas that come to plague me at night. That allow me no sleep.  Those are my demons and I welcome they. My demons are my closet companions. Reliable. Always there. Sometimes they even save me for where would they be without me. We are bound to each with an umbilical cord that stretches but never severed. To know me is to see a stubborn mass of contradictions. I’m a paradox wrapped inside an enigma.

Woman Deconstructed Renewed in Partial Forms




It is what it is. I follow my own mind and make my own decisions. I admit to being high strung, nervous, lacking patience and mercurial. Anxiety attacks are my normal.

Temperamental and sometimes ill tempered. Blunt. Straight. No Chaser. I’m not the Replacement Bitch. I AM THE BITCH. B.I.T.C.H. Being in Total Control of Herself.

Basically I wanted to trash this blog totally but I realized I needed the archives being that I lost many of my MS Word documents.  Also I needed a break from this writing blog to focus on my Photography Blog Roaming Urban Gypsy.  However after increased demand and support from my Subscribers I will once again serve up offerings of poetry, prose and opinion.  On My Own Terms.

Bits and pieces of my Life were in the Pawn Shop. Set up life a Museum dedicated to my past. Slowly once located I went back whenever possible to redeem and rescue pieces of my past so I could reassemble it into the future. Remade and Renewed through my own efforts or at times lack of efforts.

When one world dies another is born. And most don’t care unless it affects them directly.

I’m the Pegasus Unicorn in the Room.

It’s a Cold Broken Hallelujah



Black WoMoon Rising 2018!


Arts Programs for Adults with Autism


Today’s Forgiving Fridays: A Fun 7 Days of Forgiveness!

The Finished Art piece which now adorns the Living Room.

One of my Future Dreams and Goals is to create more Nature Trail/Town Talks featuring me and my Awesome Autism brother Stephen. My brother Stephen inspires and uplifts me plus Stephen enjoys being out in Mother Nature as much if not more than I do. Hopefully one day I would Love to create some sort of Arts program for Adults with Autism especially since government cutbacks and lack of funding have eliminated the art programs at Stephen’s Day Treatment Center/School. Last month Stephen and I (mostly Stephen) created a magnificent photo/picture collage. It was outstanding and I hope to enter the collage in a local arts program/museum. My feeling is that developmentally disabled adults have a lot to give, share and are extremely creative and talented if given the opportunity. I’ve even been trying to encourage my friends who are art teachers and their fellow educators to volunteer time to AABR for the clients/consumers who attend daily.

Here is the video.

Here is where I sing the song the “Impossible Dream” from Man of LaMancha.”  When I was in the 3rd and 4th grades we used to sing this song during Wednesday morning Assembly. That was back in the 1960s and most art and music programs have also been eliminated from NYC public schools also. This is a sad trend. As Americans we need to invest more in our public schools and in programs and services for Developmentally Disabled Adults. 

Hopefully I will be able to convince some museums, art galleries/studios, Private Art Programs to provide funding. I will let you know if I accomplish this goal.



I Like the Frank Sinatra version better because he is a much better singer. Plus I am a Frank Sinatra Fan.

Frank Sinatra – The Impossible dream (with lyrics)


Stephen the Artist at work in my Brooklyn home.


The Finished Art piece which now adorns the Living Room.

This is a modified form of the request that I sent to my friends, family and Museum Co-workers on Facebook.  Since this mostly applies to the State and City of New York it makes sense for me to share it on Facebook to get the best outreach possible.


As most of you already know I have a brother Stephen who has Autism. Sadly the State government has cut funding to Arts programs at his Day Treatment Center AABR located in Jamaica, Queens. With cutbacks the arts program along with the Art teacher were eliminated.

I am asking those of you who are Art Teachers/Art Instructors if you can Please donate/volunteer some of your time to work with Developmentally Disabled Adults at AABR located at Wellington Hall 161-06 89th Avenue, Jamaica, Queens, NY 11432. Phone number is 718-262-9200. Contact person is Michele Danowitz.


The Finished Art piece which now adorns the Living Room.












Stephen’s Picture/Photo Collage




The Finished Photo Collage. 90% Stephen and 10% Sister DeBorah!! Hooray for Stephen!!

Given the opportunity people with Autism can express their Creativity in unique ways. Some like Stephen’s friends and fellow consumers in the AABR Choir have magnificent voices the bring happiness and joy to those who hear them sing.

Stephen enjoys Art and even though the Art program at AABR has been eliminated due to budget cuts I will continue to bring art into Stephen’s life by taking him to various New York City Museums (Our Favorite is the Brooklyn Museum) and purchasing art supplies for him so we can do our artist thing when Stephen comes to visit me.


Yet Another Bathroom


Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Bathrooms or Outhouses


Cee's Fun Foto Challenge

Yet Another Bathroom………..

This is the downstairs half-bath in our house. More or less this is my room-mate’s bathroom and also serves as a guest bath when he has his dinner parties. My room-mate is an artist and has decorated it accordingly. He is an extremely creative human being I think that it looks great!!  ❤  ❤



Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Bathrooms or Outhouses

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Bathrooms or Outhouses