Unfurl | The Daily Post




I am Unfurled in Headwraps and my Mother Continent. Kente and Mud cloth.

Multiple umbilical cords.  Links to lost languages and cultures drawing me back to my native grounds.

Made pilgrimage to the tree where he spun. Left to rot. Rope cut by lightening. His bones swallowed by earth. For us they emerged from sacred lands.  The more we dug the more you came forth. Prayer and tears were our anointing.

Unfurl the cloths of many colors Brown bodies America  return to Africa. Whole once again. My wandering souls now home. Daughters of the Dust fly home.

Oshun. Yemaya  Sweet Water Goddess Welcomes Me Harmony Home 

Silver Screen: What is that Sir? I can’t Make it out!




Silver Screen

Take a quote from your favorite movie — there’s the title of your post. Now, write!


My Dad’s All Time Favorite movie: Run Silent. Run Deep.

What is that Sir? I can’t Make it out!

Run Silent Run Deep Poster

Run Silent Run Deep (1958)

Unending Grief of the vacant space left by my Dad’s death in May 1995

That’s my heart breaking.

That’s my soul aching.

That’s another soul flitting across the universe awaiting a new storage container for the old one is broken.

A soul crying in the dark for another dying friend and all those who passed before.

A good life wrapped up in beautifully ribbon colored crepe paper.

What is that Sir? I can’t make it out?

One wearing dark glasses obscuring their orbs.   An enigma of its demons. What sins were they running from perhaps we shall never know.

A Wayward Wanderer

The Prodigal Daughter returns.

Why young one, That’s strength, courage, tenacity and the ability to speak Truth to Power.



One Word Photo Challenge: Film

owpc logo 2

Part III: People, Places & Things

If you want to share a literal image of the actual word, do that. But if you’d rather play with word association, post something that reminds you of the specific word, or something you use the word for, do so. It only has to make sense to you. Have fun and keep on photographing!

owpc 2017

This week’s word is Film! Don’t forget to check out Color your World as well, posting daily January – April.


Daughters of the Dust Full Movie

Written, Directed and Produced by Julie Dash

At the dawn of the 20th century, a family in the Gullah community of coastal South Carolina — former West African slaves who adopted many of their ancestors’ Yoruba traditions — suffers a generational split. Young Haagar (Kaycee Moore) wants to move to the mainland away from tradition-bound matria… More
Release date: December 27, 1991 (USA)


Sorry for the poor quality for better results either rent or buy the movie from an Online source. Perhaps try Netflix or Hulu. You will probably be able to order the film via Amazon.com.