Awaiting Ascension Juxtapositions — An Ode to Eden

Are we living breathing time capsules waiting to be opened by future generations?

Alive. Merely existing.

Unquiet extreme desperation for something more but we don’t know what that more is. Blend in. Blend in. Like a Chameleon. Validation mode on.

Fire Salamanders emerge from still hot ashes and charcoal bits whence Paul dipped his hand yet brought back his hand unscathed by neither flames nor poisons.

Creator demands that we be broken down into our Essential Elements.

Are we really primordial primates amphibian reptiles species awaiting Rebirth into the next level of Evolution?

Sentient beings searching for our next form. Next pattern. Next Dimensions, Galaxies and Multiple Universes.

We 20th Century born sat at the feet of our Elders absorbing our family oral traditions. Treasured Griots sharing knowledge, wisdom and understanding.

But how will our 22nd Century descendants interpret the Throwing of our old bones.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Long abandoned Blogs filled with dusty forgotten posts on desiccated lives. Forever seeking release from a wireless tangled Matrix.

Will we stand the test of time?

Or will Haramattan Sirocco winds blown from Pyramids and Sphinx wipe our Talking Heads from the Akashic Records.

Homage to Eden

The Trees are Crying

I made this painting to honor and give tribute to mostly forgotten and ignored caregivers. The Mom whose son has Autism was especially specifically on my mind.

The general public expects us to be strong and stoic. Never asking for help or even admitting that we also have hopes, dreams and desires. Caregivers are seen as some sort of Superhuman Superheroes. Except that Life is not a series of comic book panels where the Hero can regenerate themselves. We get sick and we die.

We die with our Needs unmet and our Voices forever Silenced.

When we’re in trouble there’s nowhere to go and nobody to turn to. Who cares for the Caregivers?always our Voices are lost because no one hears our cries.

Holidays are especially difficult because you’re under pressure to do so much. Expected to do activities that you can no longer do for whatever reason. Abandoned by family, society and government. .

Yet you Learn Silence with a Smile because that’s what is wanted of you. Like a trained seal that balances a rubber ball on its nose in order to get a stingy ration of one thin bony Fish. Now clap then disappear so that the rest of us can continue in undisturbed comfort.

Tears at The Oasis

Bearing Gifts of Silence

Bearing Gifts of Silence

The Lonely Carrier muffles his packages of grief, sorrow, pain, and despair in Passages of Lullaby ruminations.

Lining them up by the bed ready for delivery.

We share speckled eye Language so discreet outsiders cannot detect our kaleidoscopic prism of splashes and flashes exchanged within our voluminous Silhouettes.

Sometimes Sea spray. Other times Waterfalls.

Often the Ones who Shine Brightest are easily broken.

A Nod. A smile. A hand held comforter. A barely there gesture. We are Luminous Lunar who open not our Lips. Only our One entwined Ribbon Soul. We Dream of Gossamer Days and Pastel Nights.

It’s a Long Walk Home My friend. A Long walk home. But the pier is not far away.

Shorter now as We make the Journey.

For we have known thorny biers that draw blood feeding majestic Trees for future generations.

Ferryman awaits us at the piers edge for the Sweet Home going Voyage

Traversing Sands of Time. Docking our Ships in Tranquility.

Share Your World – May 28, 2018

Share Your World – May 28, 2018


If you were to pack a basket for picnic lunch, what would be in your basket?

Fruit, Salad, Cheese, small sandwiches, water

On a vacation what you would require in any place that you sleep?

That it be clean with freshly laundered sheets and blankets. Well kept. Air conditioning

If you were to buy a new house/apartment what is the top three items on your wish list?

That everything be on one level. Stairs/steps are no longer my friends. I don’t want to do any type of climbing.

I would really Love to have my own art studio in order to have more space in which to create. The paintings are beginning to pile up around the house! LOL!! 

Art Studio Wish List

I would Love for the studio to be located in Manhattan, Brooklyn or Queens, Near transportation, ie the Subway.   That it be Large, airy, filled with Natural Sunlight; on the ground level for easy access; along with adjacent spacious Living quarters for myself and for Stephen’s visits.  That way both Stephen and I could explore our artistic gifts and talents.

I would welcome having my own art studio/living space.  This would be a Dream come true!  So fantastic and fabulous!


What did you appreciate or what made you smile this past week?  Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination. 


Last week at work was horrible with more of the same to come. It won’t get better. So here is the expression that comes to mind.


It hurts too much to laugh but I’m too old to cry.



I found this reality check on one of my Instagram buddies posts.  This acronym expresses what is truly going on inside my mind.  So many people lie and project falsehoods  I don’t. Complete and total Honesty.  No fake painted on kewpie/Barbie doll smiles.  That’s Bullshit.

What you see is what you get.  If you can’t accept me as I truly am then you are not my friend.  I don’t do those stupid phony Memes/Affirmations that I see all over social media. I believe in “Keeping it Real.”

Daily Workplace Nightmares

This is me to a T and this is what I really mean when I say I’m FINE.  I operate a “No Bullshit Zone.”

F ~~ Freaked Out also totally Frazzled

I ~~ Insecure

N ~~ Nervous

E ~~ Emotional