


Up presented for your linguistic chatter platter:  Greasy grimy gopher gut grits.

Funky stink body bad breath tourists’ words tumbling out of their mouths like some much infantile prattle.  Sardonic vanity.  Wealthy scions befoul the house of order.

Trust fund babies’ excursions into the working class world see the common woman/man as just another exhibit on the landscape.  These be clowns who carry all their worldly possessions upon their backs yet seek even more material gains to pour into their voids.

Their kitsch gods shove more and more into Samsonite luggage’s to roll up the hill reaching the top only to feel the handle disengage whilst they watch their belongings speed down the mountain at the same time praising their empty successes.

Martin Luther King The Three Evils of Society


Fool Kings
Fool Kings