
Vintage Pair of Black Marionettes-Entertainers (Puppets)
Vintage Pair of Black Marionettes-Entertainers (Puppets)


Are we Life’s marionettes? Controlled by an unseen master puppeteer?  Who actually dangles the strings of destiny? Us or an invisible mind forcing us to dance to an unwelcome tune. And at life’s who cuts the cord and meets out justice?

We merely at its pleasure jerked about from place to place never knowing where we may land. Then tiring from our unstable dance, the bored child man casts into outer darkness. Thrown in the land of misfits serving captivity and blame.

Shall I base my destiny on a fickle entity or wrest away the strings, slash & burn then take control of me.

I stand on the precipice ready to take flight or fall ignobly into the abyss.  I lost all sense of myself and gained only a hallucination of you.

No longer did my reflection appear in my vanity mirror, but instead a grizzled, gnarly stranger with hot breath and commanding tone invading my life like so unmanageable mutant alien beings taking over my body, my life, supplanting my dreams with your insane aspirations.

Then one day all the Muses and Goddesses convened, delivering me from subjugation SubSumation into an early manmade grave.  Yes…..He chased but my soul took flight leaving him earthbound gazing upwards at my Gossamer Wings.